Preparation of sodium hypochlorite

Chlorine solution is prepared by diluting sodium hypochlorite with water. This dilution is done depending on the daily consumption of chlorine solution and ranges from undiluted NaOCl to 1:50, where the unit indicates the volume of sodium hypochlorite used.
Sodium hypochlorite is usually packaged in 65 kg plastic drums. (50 lit.), where the concentration of active chlorine is usually about 10% (Factory about 14%, but due to transport and storage it weakens).
Barrels are stored in a dark and dry place, where there are no metal objects that could be damaged by corrosion due to the aggressive action of chlorine vapor.
Since sodium hypochlorite normally “weakens” 1-2% per month, due to the decomposition of the labile chlorine compound, it is not recommended to keep a stock larger than three months’ consumption.
For dilution, ¨soft¨ water, up to 100Dh (German degrees of hardness), rainwater, softened water or cooled condensate should be used. In the case of higher hardness, there is a reaction between calcium and magnesium salts from water, and sodium hydroxide from sodium hypochlorite, and a precipitate is separated that can cause problems in the operation of the dosing device.
If diluting is done with ¨hard¨ water, then the diluted mixture is left to stand still for at least 2 hours, so that the precipitate settles and settles at the bottom of the container, and then the clear liquid is poured into the chlorine tank, taking care to do not capture the sediment or stir the solution.
When working on spilling the solution, it is mandatory to apply protective measures for the workers who work on that job, such as the use of protective gloves and suits and shoes, and especially take care of the eyes, and use protective glasses, due to possible injury to the eye tissue.
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